GSA Schedule - American Amplifier and Television Corp.

GSA Schedule
American Amplifier and TV’s GSA sales, design, install, and service departments work closely with Federal , State and Local Government clients. Under our GSA contract we listen to their needs and design a working Audio Video, LCD TV, sound and-or collaboration solution and build and install it in a quick and efficient manner. AAT has the experience, plus partners in manufacturing and consultants to satisfy even the most complex of tasks. We can design build, install, and service an Easy AV System solutions for you. Contact us
GSA Schedule 58-1
Audio Video Equipment Recording & Reproducing , with spare parts and Accessories, includes repair parts. Complete audio video recording and presentation systems as well as separate components. Included are recorders and duplicators for both analog and digital media including cassettes, cartridges and video discs. The video or audio recording system may include special effects generators including time and date stamping, picture in picture, closed captioning, text addition, character and symbol insertion and manipulation, audio voice over equipment. Also included :
Amplifiers, Mixers, switchers, synchronizing components, and editing equipment.
Mini Studio Systems and Components – Including training room and instructional systems, control room and studio control modules, multiple microphone and video stations.
Display screens, LED walls, LCD projectors
Control modules for controlling the video projection.
Accessories items such as cables, batteries, and sound booths.
GSA Schedule 58-7
GSA Schedule 58-4
Audio Equipment, Including Spare & Repair Parts, and Accessories Covers complete professional sound systems as well as components.
Components include:
Amplifiers, Speakers, Audio consoles, Switchers
Cassette recorders and players, cartridge recorders and players, compact disc recorders and players, and reel-to-reel equipment.
Accessories may include cables and microphones and computer equipment required to perform these function specified.
GSA Schedule 58-4
Telecommunications Equipment, Including Spare and Repair Parts, and Accessories
Items laser equipment; recorder/reproducer sets – signal data (multi-application);
Wildlife and fish monitoring equipment
fiber optic and digital telecommunications equipment. Included are multiplexers, routers for video and other signals.
Broadcast receivers, demodulators, and switchers.
Transmitters, receivers, and transceivers for all frequency ranges including microwaves, modems, signal amplifiers, power supplies, and antennas as well as encoders, and decoders.
Accessories including batteries, cables and mounting assemblies or racks and computer equipment and software required to perform these specified functions.